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I practice Pythagorean Numerology which is said to be the most accurate type of numerology.

In these 1:1 sessions I take your date of birth and name of birth to create a numerological chart that quite literally provides me with a blueprint for who you are, what you’re meant to be doing here, how you’re meant to do it, and an outline of the journey of your life. 

These readings are designed to bring you back home, to realign you to your soul truth. They are in depth, transformative and significantly healing. Not only will you gain the clarity you are searching for for your immediate reality, but you will come away with a deep understanding of the necessity of your past, forgiveness and gratitude for the parts you may not be so proud of and have a heart full of inspiration, excitement and empowerment for the new future you will inevitably embark on post reading. 

If you are about to book yourself in, my advice to you is be prepared. Be prepared for knowing yourself at a level you never have before, and be prepared to make some serious changes in your life. This reading will call forth your highest truth, and once you’ve connected to that, there is no going back. 

For these readings I use numerology, intuition, psychic ability, my long experience as a transformation coach, my experience healing from physical, emotional, financial, sexual and mental abuse and traumas and so much more. 

You’ll receive a 2hr reading, the full recording of your session, as well as a copy of your hand-drawn numerology chart for your reference.

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